Tell me who your friends are

26. What you think about your friends

In my previous post, I mentioned some group of friends. However, I will only talk about the Girls at the Back. I know I will never trade any one of them for the world. I will not say that they're best friends, or whatever. I just want to think of them as irreplaceable, priceless, and God-given group of individuals.

With them, I can be me. I can be wild. I can be calm. I can be spontaneous. I can be reflective. I can be stupid. I can be clever. I can be demanding. I can be whoever I am.

Actually, this post may not be enough. I'll try to summarize this the best that I can so that it wouldn't be too long to read.

I knew Nikka well in second year. Before that, she was only the girl from the other section who had anime text clans. I don't know why I used to think of her that way, but that's how things were. By second year, we had so many chances to get close. I don't have any specific moments that would say that this is when I truly became her friend. It came naturally, like breathing. It wasn't forced, rather it formed and grew over time. Nikka was the one who introduced me to Fido, for those who don't know. For that, I am grateful. Now, she's one of the dearest friends I hold close to my heart. She cheers me up with her sweet and random messages. We always got along well, since she pretty much consents my random impulses. She is the one I usually smother with my hugs. We constantly compare heights and futures, since we have a similar body type. She's very sweet, even if she doesn't like to admit it. She's also one of the most caring people I know. She's not selfish, and takes to account everyone's feelings. Her randomness is just as high leveled as mine. She's strong girl, even if she sometimes doesn't realize it. The things she sacrificed for her family, and the things she's willing to do for her friends is simply amazing. She's also very fun loving and optimistic, and doesn't hold herself back when she's having fun.

I used to dislike Page. I knew her in one of the summer classes I took in Bright Rock when I was in Grade four, I think? She came off as a bully then, and may be sort of a show off. However, I gradually changed my mind when I started attending in Bright Rock. I wasn't close to her in Grade 5, though I did admire her. She always had group surrounding her, and then, I wasn't comfortable around her that much. Grade 6 changed everything, the moment we talked about anime. The friendship just grew slowly, and deeply, and truly. I used to call her my best friend, but I know such a label wouldn't fit any more. Over time, I came to love her (and the rest of the gang) as much as I loved my family. During high school, we hung around together as much as possible. We were pretty much shell shocked by the sudden change of culture. Page introduced me to the rest of GATB, and I'm thankful to God that she did. She never left me behind, she was eternally supportive of me. She never judged, and she is kind to everyone. Sometimes, she may be too kind that people take advantage of her. I like goofing around with her, and problems just don't seem to exist when we start talking about everything in general.

There were times before high school that would've been my chance to be friends with Penda. I guess it wasn't the right time. I got to know her in high school, and the very first impression was THIS GIRL IS NUTS. She talked so much about koreans faster than I could blink. She wrote hormonal stories that would make any preteen blush. She was always kind to me though. She never made me feel like I was excluded from their mini group in Carnation. They invited me along their dance revo moments, and for that, I will always cherish my younger days. She's changed so much, and for the better. She used to be this hyper girl who just like to talk your ears off about anything, but then she started revealing bits of herself. She became like a mother to me. She somehow liked to take care of me, and smother me with her warm hugs. She scolds me for random things, but I don't mind. I like the way she protects me in either subtle or flamboyant ways. She joins in my random expeditions, and if things get serious, she gets serious too. She knows how to value her friends, and that's why so many people value her too. 

She was my classmate in freshman year, but I never really got close to her. I always thought she was a nice and pretty girl, despite what the other jealous girls were saying. After all, she lent me, a girl she barely knew, her series of unfortunate events, and that was when my love for books started growing. Sophomore year came and we became the 3O's. I still would like to think that they were the best seatmates ever. I started talking to them because I wasn't close to Jessa at all. Somehow, the three of us got along so well. I can't explain how, because beautiful things can't be bounded by simple words. She was what I expected her to be. She was a princess mannered girl. She was all around sweet, and caring. She listened to us, and she showed genuine care. Not just the 'Okay ra na, mahuman ra na'. She meant her words, and it grows through the heart. Its hard to believe that she didn't have many friends then. Eventually, we teamed up with the others to form the Christmas party group 'Boredom Girls'. It grew even more stronger then. When we were in our third year, Ezzy was born to our little GATB family. She also became our bridge to God. Without a warning, she became a huge part of my life. Ezzy became a sister, the girly sister I never had. Or maybe something bigger than that. We laugh together, we cry together, and have red noses afterwards. I relate to most of her experiences, and I think she makes the most sense when it comes to giving advice.

T-square incident that I'd rather not recall because it's embarrassing. I never really like opinionated people, because it's the complete opposite of me. Lorry as we all know, likes to voice her opinions. This annoyed me at first, but gradually I admired that part of her. She's very independent, and she knows what she wants and won't settle for less. She has a strong sense of self. She's like the father of the group. A lot of people misunderstand Lorry, but I know she's more than what they think of her. She's a beautiful girl, with a pure heart. She may not see how truly beautiful she can be, but we know her from the inside and out. She is worth more than she thinks she is. She is hesitant, but I appreciate it when she reveals a deeper part of her. I love it when she protects me, and spoils me. I appreciate it when she listens and tries to understand. She is very supportive, and she knows the right things to say. I know she loves us, even if she's finding it hard to express it to us. Her stubbornness is also worth praising and I believe that she has such a great potential to be the architect that she wishes to become!

She's my mommy, and I love it when she calls me dear or darling. It feels so real, and I can almost feel a mother's love. I only got the chance to really know her in a much more deeper level in senior year, when we became constant seatmates. She makes me laugh, and comforts me better than anyone else. She can keep a secret, and never tell anyone. We think a like, and she is very imaginative too! She knows how to value another's feeling, and refrains saying anything hurtful. I admire that part of her. She actually doesn't spoil me that much, and doesn't get affected with my pouting. I can practice my skills on persuasion with her. She's very stable (most of the time), and she keeps our group on our feet in case we float too far away from the world. Though, she sometimes gets carried along with our ultimate random moments. However, she can be pretty fiery. She doesn't like it when people step on her, and she makes it known and doesn't settle for petty excuses. She has a strong sense of responsibility, and she gets things done. She slacks off every now and then, but meh. She loves anime, and has a tendency towards boy love. We mostly have the same taste in anime, and her books are simply amazing! She isn't selfish, and she shares what she haves. She is one of the most reliable, most trust worthy people I know! No wonder she got to be the Secretary of their College.

Summaries of friends suck. People should come up with better words than these.
If you think they're awesome in this post, they are 1000000000000000000000000000000x more awesomer (YES. MORE AWESOMER!) in real life. I tell you! They are 100000000000000000000000000000000x better! I just suck at describing anything in general.

PS/ If someone hurts one of them and I will personally have their funeral taken care of.


ezara said…
so touched franny :') you write beautifully <3 waaah i miss hs and gatb T_T

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