Starry starry night

The last party I've been to was Lorry's in August, so I guess I was getting lazy to dress up for the occasion. I actually had second thoughts in joining the debut, but I decided to go. Why? Viel is one of the best people I know. (♡^▽^♡) It wouldn't feel right to not be there. SADLY, I didn't have a gift prepared, since I never went out anymore. I spent my days bed ridden, watching television. (¬‿¬) It's a sad life, kids. Anyways, I just took a simple black dress, put on some heels and went over to Page's to get my haggard face colored.

Cathy was already there, claiming that she's prepared herself for the debut since noon. Make up followed, more chit chat until we finally journeyed to Marco Hotel for the party. Sir Alger took the time to drop Page, Cathy, Shane and me there. Penda was there by the front desk already. She was like so early. She also surprised me with a gift! So sweet! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) I haven't even got her one. 

We struggled as we walked with heels in wet grass. There was a less grassy alternative, but Penda didn't bother to show us. She wanted us to experience what she experienced earlier. When we arrived outside the ballroom, there weren't alot of people. We took a picture by the tree the moment we settled down. We arrived there around quarter to seven.

Pegge, Cathy, Penda & Me

We went to the bar, to order some water. From that, we started talking while we waited for the party to start. It was funny when Cathy couldn't catch up with the usual jumping of one topic to another. We told her that it's because she's normal, and we're NOT. (-^〇^-)

We wanted to go inside after a few more talking, so that we could choose a table. However, there was no one inside yet. The people in charge were still setting up the venue. It would be inappropriate to enter first when everyone else was still outside.

By seven thirty, we couldn't take it anymore. We barged in and took the table at the back, so that we would be nearer the food. Everyone else followed suit, so I guess we were all waiting for the brave one to go first. ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )While waiting, we took pictures out of boredom and vanity.

Me with Cathy's gift on my lap

Cathy & Me

Penda & Me

Pegge & Me

Penda, Pegge & Me. We were the only GATBs who managed to attend!

Cathy, Pegge & Me

So the picture below this is me with Penda's gift. It's a very pretty necklace, not to mention a very heavy one. She also gave me a blue adorned bottle, with little rolled up papers. She told me I could write my experiences or wishes there.

By eight in the evening, the debutante arrived! She looked so lovely in her shining shimmering ball gown. She didn't need an escort, because escorts are too mainstream! It wouldn't be right without a video of the debutante, so we watched as Viel became who she is now!

The program started with a lot of speeches, lovely words from her family, and some games. Our table was always eager to participate, because who else would?

We were playing Paint Me A Picture, which was awkward.

We then had our dinner! We were too busy stuffing our stomachs to even bother picturing it. I actually think it's funny, how people take pictures first before eating. I find myself funny for doing that sometimes. Haha. I had some spareribs, some pancit, and grilled chicken. It was delicious!(ノ≧∀≦)ノ I wanted to do a second round, but my stomach said it was full. I wouldn't dare challenge my stomach in case I end up in the comfort room.

After dinner came the 18 candles. I was shocked! I wasn't told that I would be one of them. I didn't even know beforehand. I had no speech prepared, so what came out of my mouth was from my heart. I hope I made sense, since I just randomly blurted out words. Everyone in our table was called, even Shane! Everyone had their turn, then came the father daughter dance.

In Viel's scenario, it was a grandfather-granddaughter dance. It was really sweet, and really emotional. It was very very touching to watch them dance slowly, like they were the only people in the world. It made me think of my grandfather, too. (╯︵╰,) He is in a better place now, so I shouldn't even be sad. Still, it was tear jerking thinking that my grandfather won't be there.

The 18 sparkles came next, which is more known as the 18 roses. The DJ MUST have been confused. His choice of music was completely out of hand. You don't play fast beat songs during sweet dances like that! You don't play the Lazy Song by Bruno Mars while a boy sweeps the debutante off her feet with a waltz!

SERIOUSLY! (;≧皿≦ )

A few more games, a few more emotional messages and then it ended! It kind of happened faster than I thought it would. Anyways, every table had the chance to have their pictures taken with the debutante!

Our table & the Debutante

Attempting a Wacky pose

Pegge looks taller than me here!

The little boy is Viel's brother, Leiv. The random dude is Shekinah's uh. . OVERLY ATTACHED ADMIRER

It was midnight, and we had to go. I was tired, everyone else was tired. We bade farewell to our lovely friend and went home! Sir Alger very kindly dropped us off in our respective homes. Penda at Gusa. Cathy at Trinitas. Me at Tagoloan. Over all, it was a great party!


ezara said…
sounds so fun!! lol at penda and the grass xD hahaha wahhh i miss you all so much TwT you all look so prettypul ~~~ :3
Unknown said…
omaigash i so regret not going to this in the end! so annoying. you all look so awesome. i especially like what penda's wearing!
Unknown said…
i wish i could attend this event. sadly, we weren't scheduled to travel back home on that day.

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