Marry you ~

20. Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future

Practice smiling. Got it.

Needless to say, I see myself being with Fido in the future. We've managed to go this long, so we can't possibly give up this journey so easily. I guess it would be nice to marry him, but that isn't much of a priority right now so I wouldn't dwell on that fact much. It's just funny though how he tries to persuade me to marry him before I turn thirty. Am I seriously going to be that OLD AND WRINKLY? >.> He tried to bargain, and I gradually agreed to 'marry' at twenty six. Seems to be fair enough.

I don't really know what else to say. I guess he's a good guy. Sure we had our differences and bitter fights, but we managed to cross the bridge. In the future, I'm sure we can cross more bridges if we just talk it out and hear each other.

For me, what we have at the moment is enough. He makes me laugh, kisses me on the forehead, says he's sorry and makes an effort, holds my hand, works hard, and attempts to understand me. What more can I ask?

The most romantic things a man can do for a woman are the little things that let her know that she's on his mind and in his heart.


I'm not much of a COUPLE T-SHIRT kind of girl. HOWEVER, it is so AMAZING that he's the one buying the shirt for the two of us. I never thought a guy would be the one who would take a jump first in the world of couple T-shirts.

Awesome boyfriend is awesome. LOVE HIM LOTS.


ezara said…
awww :3 thats so sweet, awesome tshirts btw. xD hahah *kilig* x3
Unknown said…
my gash fran. i never knew about the shirt! i am SO going to poke pidow for this. bahahaha

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