Marathon post

7. A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

I have got to admit that there are a lot of people or somethings that made an impact in my life. I should give them a lot of credit. My parents, my siblings, my cousins, my friends, my teachers and classmates! But if it weren't for the person who had the biggest impact on me, I wouldn't have met them at all.

So the answer? Jesus Christ!

If it isn't obvious,then I'll try to explain as much as I can. I believe in hell, and before I knew Christ, I wasn't sure if I wouldn't end up there. I feared death because of the thought. Anyways, I didn't discover Him on my own. I know I should probably give credit to my awesome friends, but I feel like Jesus was using them to get to me. In the end, He was the one working the strings. He in the end saved me.

His Words give me hope. His gift of life is one of the greatest riches. I am well and healthy, I have a great family. I have friends, the best any girl can ask for and more. I have people who love me in ways words can never define. Surely there's no one who has a bigger impact that Him. I think of Him in times of doubt, reflecting whether or not He would be pleased with my decisions. Sure, I still rationalize, but I still try.  Even if I waiver from time to time, I still hold it in my heart to seek Him.


ezara said…
I just realised how many posts nako wala nacommentan.. xDD you post so much :O i need to post something new soon.. xD
ezara said…
happy for you fran <3

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