
Showing posts from 2012

Starry starry night

The last party I've been to was Lorry's in August, so I guess I was getting lazy to dress up for the occasion. I actually had second thoughts in joining the debut, but I decided to go. Why? Viel is one of the best people I know. (♡^▽^♡) It wouldn't feel right to not be there. SADLY, I didn't have a gift prepared, since I never went out anymore. I spent my days bed ridden, watching television.  (¬‿¬)  It's a sad life, kids. Anyways, I just took a simple black dress, put on some heels and went over to Page's to get my haggard face colored. Cathy was already there, claiming that she's prepared herself for the debut since noon. Make up followed, more chit chat until we finally journeyed to Marco Hotel for the party. Sir Alger took the time to drop Page, Cathy, Shane and me there. Penda was there by the front desk already. She was like so early. She also surprised me with a gift! So sweet!  (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)  I haven't even got her one.  We struggled as we wa

Christmas time!

I finally finished the challenge, so I guess I shall talk about our Christmas! Every year on December 24th, our family gets together to spend Christmas eve. We all stay at our Grandma's house, bringing gifts for each other. (*^ワ^*) ! My cousins and I were going to exchange gifts like we always did when we were younger. The adults don't usually take part. They only give when they feel like it, unlike ours. I had bought a gift for the youngest member of the family yet! SHH. I bought him a helicopter toy. I hope he likes it! We still had the over-the-top dinner. Each of my aunties and uncles brought food, and we just eat them all together! There were a lot more healthier food since the adults are becoming even more self conscious than they were before. (>y<)We had the usual rounds of picture taking too. As you can see, we're not the kids we were before!  When we were younger, the grown ups used to hold kiddie games for us after dinner. Now that we'r

Goodbye challenge!

30. Who are you Who am I? I dislike asking myself this question now, because my mind tends to go blank. It’s not because I have no vision on who I truly am, but because these words will not be enough to capture the ‘I’. The easiest and most convenient answer would be me. ‘I am me’ is what most simply say to avoid further explanation. However, I feel that there’s the need to give more credit to my existence than just a two-lettered word.  I was a spontaneous and reckless youth. I do things head on without thinking of consequences. I have implanted in myself that I have to live as if I will die the next day. I was chasing every moment. It didn’t matter if it was worth it, because I just felt the need to. Now, I have become someone who is cautious. I learned to think about things more thoroughly, ending with little regret. Then again,  I actually don’t believe that life is merely a set of right decisions after careful deliberation of the consequences. It is not at all appealing to

Shorty short thoughts

29. In this past month, what have you learned I guess I learned to be more patient with other people. Honestly, I really hate waiting or being made to wait, whether it's intentional or not. I guess it helped to know that I'm that way. That is why I realized that I can do something about it. I'm still learning to be more patient, so we'll just have to wait and see! Because of Philosophy, I also learned, or realized, that it's nice to pause every once in awhile and just reflect. It doesn't have to be something significant like the world economy. It can be the little things, like what you had for lunch! Though it's quite tiring in class. Sir: When you ate your breakfast, did you ask yourself why you're eating? Why were you eating? Me: No. I was just hungry Sir: Why did you have to eat? Me: .. Sir: *More Why questions* Me: @___@ I've also learned to take into account other people's feelings. I really really forget that

Third to the last!

28. A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then Last year, I was still hung over from HS. I still acted as if nothing changed, and as if everything was the same. I guess you could say I was in denial. Now, I have learned to accept that things have changed but then again, the important thing still remains. I have matured since last year. Back then, I still behaved like a spoiled child. I also didn't know how to handle my time and my studies. I partially blame the fact that I was still adjusting. I know that I usually take about a year or so to adjust. It was the same thing for me in the beginning of high school after all. Now, I get by better. I don't have much struggle coping with my studies, or managing my time. Plus, my relationships with people improved. Not only with people, but with God. For the whole year, I have been given more trials than I ever had years before. I guess it kept my faith stronger, withstanding all those. I would

Yet another short post

27. Why are you doing this 30 post challenge The answer to that is because I was simply bored. I also don't have many things to talk about in my blog so I resorted to this petty challenge that makes you post thirty different challenges. I guess it's also a way for me to know my friends more, and heck! I get to know myself more. To put it more simply once more, I did this because I was bored.

Tell me who your friends are

26. What you think about your friends In my previous post, I mentioned some group of friends. However, I will only talk about the Girls at the Back. I know I will never trade any one of them for the world. I will not say that they're best friends, or whatever. I just want to think of them as irreplaceable, priceless, and God-given group of individuals. With them, I can be me. I can be wild. I can be calm. I can be spontaneous. I can be reflective. I can be stupid. I can be clever. I can be demanding. I can be whoever I am. Actually, this post may not be enough. I'll try to summarize this the best that I can so that it wouldn't be too long to read. Nikka I knew Nikka well in second year. Before that, she was only the girl from the other section who had anime text clans. I don't know why I used to think of her that way, but that's how things were. By second year, we had so many chances to get close. I don't have any specific moments that would

Inside the magical bag is

25. What I would find in your bag ❥ALL in one notebook It’s a binder with all my notes for Calculus, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science. My Chemistry notes is different though. Chemistry be demanding that way. It's been with me since the first semester, and it has all my random ideas and doodles at the back. ❥ONE working pen in the midst of a handful of used ones. I guess I’m too lazy to throw away the pens I can no longer use. I should probably clear it out soon, since it’s such a pain to look for the one working pen. I wouldn't want to panic if we suddenly have a surprise quiz. ❥BARELY working and THANKFULLY SOLAR calculator. I don’t have to explain. Do you know how difficult it is to sit directly under the sunlight just so your calculator won’t die on you in the middle of an impossible quiz? Trust me. The pain just BURNS through. ❥BOOKS for every subject. I used to think that college meant that I would no longer be carrying books ins

Awesome parents are awesome

24. A letter to your parents Dear MAMA AND PAPA, I LOVE YOU! ❤ I don't know what else to say cause we pretty much talk everyday! And Hey! That kinda rhymed. Anyways, the likelihood of you ever reading this is very very small so I probably won't write anything too heartfelt. Mama you be crazy, maybe crazier than me! Thank you for your never ending support and random out bursts like " LET'S GO TO CEBU FOR ONE DAY ! ". When I asked you why, you just said ' I'M BORED '. Guess the randomness runs in the family. It keeps life exciting at home. I appreciate everything you do! Thank you for reading between the lines when I say ' MA . EVERYTHING IS SO EXPENSIVE AT SCHOOOL ~ ' Boom! Additional 20. Not much, but we can work on that . JOKING! Thank you so much for everything! I should probably say sorry for all the things I've done, but I'd rather do that in person than here. I WILL SHOWER YOU WITH LOVE AND AFFECTION MORE AND MORE

Warning! Short post!

23. Something you crave for a lot I have random cravings. I mostly crave food. TO be specific, I crave any kind of desserts all the time. I guess I have a sweet tooth. I also crave constant companionship? I dislike being alone, and I would ultimately seek others. I guess that's why I'm unli most of the time. Though, that doesn't mean I can't function like a normal human being without people. I just prefer having people around. Maybe like Lorry, I crave for human warmth. It may not be for the same reason, but the craving may be the same. I guess that's why I constantly cling to people. Wrap arms here, hug there, smother everywhere! It's very nice. .  or maybe I'm just hyper active that way. TEHE. I don't know how to answer this post number actually. What else? Can craving for a new dress be counted? I want a new dress! Something girly, because I just realized that my wardrobe primarily consists of jeans and shirts. I probably need

What Makes Me Different

22. What makes you different from everyone else What makes me different? Where do I even start?  I am confident that I am one of a kind. I am sure that no one can be exactly like me, even if we are practically identical. My thoughts, my reflections, my experiences separate me from that seemingly identical person. So, what makes me different than most? I am completely random. My randomness is commonly classified as weird, since that is what society does when it cannot explain. UGH. I sound so formal. Stupid Philosophy essays. Anyways, I enjoy being different. I like to think of it as 'Why blend in when you were born to stand out?'. Heh. I literally stand out because of my height. I guess that could count as a difference, too? I also like to talk to myself, and reward myself with simple things. I dislike spending too much, but I like it when people spend money for me. Makes sense? I am actually - - snobbish, like most not so average people. I don't

So happy together!

21. A picture of something that makes you happy A lot of people comment on my ability to be happy over the simplest of things. People always point this out, and it no longer surprises me. However, I don't think there is one definite thing that makes me happy. Random things make me happy. I get happy over all the little things, though my high cheeks might have something to do with my face always seeming to be smiling. Anyways, the challenge requires me pictures so. . Here we go! Self explanatory Desserts! Sweet random messages that show they care Books that take me to another world! Starry nights One Direction or any other cheesy songs CUTE PUPPEEEHHS! Disney or any other fairy tale love stories <3 Friendships! Sincere compliments AND SO MUCH MORE! C: SO HAPPY ! ~

Marry you ~

20. Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future Practice smiling. Got it. Needless to say, I see myself being with Fido in the future. We've managed to go this long, so we can't possibly give up this journey so easily. I guess it would be nice to marry him, but that isn't much of a priority right now so I wouldn't dwell on that fact much. It's just funny though how he tries to persuade me to marry him before I turn thirty. Am I seriously going to be that OLD AND WRINKLY? >.> He tried to bargain, and I gradually agreed to 'marry' at twenty six. Seems to be fair enough. I don't really know what else to say. I guess he's a good guy. Sure we had our differences and bitter fights, but we managed to cross the bridge. In the future, I'm sure we can cross more bridges if we just talk it out and hear each other. For me, what we have at the moment is enough. He makes me laugh, kisses me on the forehead, says he's

Call me, maybe?

19. Nicknames you have; why do you have them Everyone has their own personal nicknames, so here are some of mine! ❥  Lingling ⇨ This nickname was born because my cousins could not pronounce my second name, Pauline. They could only pronounce 'Ling', which is supposed to be the 'Line' of Pauline. In the end, it stuck and everyone in the neighborhood calls me this. My aunties, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, and ALL THEIR coworkers call me Ling. It's shocking when my mom brings home some of her coworkers, and they all start calling me Lingling. My neighbors, my childhood friends call me this. I am not comfortable is someone new calls me by this name. I would be like 'What the heck is wrong with you?' ❥  Pauline/Pauling ⇨ For my classmates in elementary, I was always called Pauline. They called me Pauline because everyone kept mispronouncing 'Frances' with Francis. It's irritating, and I kept on complaining until everyone decided on

Keep Moving Forward

18.  Plans/dreams/goals you have I don't like to plan so far ahead. They often don't happen the way I pictured them to be. But for the sake of this challenge, I'll just have to think of some. I want to graduate Chemistry, within four years. I don't want to prolong my stay in Uni, but I think my thesis will definitely hold me back like the other super seniors. After that, I could probably look for a stable job. AND THEN I WOULD HAVE MY OWN LABORATORY LIKE DEXTER! It has to be in my house, and it has to be huge! It has to have a complete list of chemicals I can use, and the laboratory apparatus needed! I guess that's partly why I wanted to become a chemist. IT WOULD BE AWESOME to have my PERSONAL LABORATORY. I want to invent something, experiment on something, discover something new with my own hands. I guess I want to be  able to control something, and be able to manipulate it in ways I want it to act. It's like playing around, but being paid i