The thing about society.

This summer, I am taking Sociology and the blah blah of blah. I can't remember the whole description. Anyways, it's rather interesting especially after thinking more about it even after classes. The funny thing is I just realized that society is controlling us. It's not shaping us to the people we want to be, but it forcefully sets rules and policies. In a way, it takes away our freedom by limiting us. By society, I mean all it's institutions. Family, Religion, Education and the likes. I mean, I never really took the time to question certain beliefs.

From the small things like "Mano po". Why do we even do that? The answer to that is ridiculously far off. Apparently, it originated from the act of kissing the ring of the Pope. It's not a sign of respect of the elders, but society had formed it that way. It's very disrespectful if we don't do it.

It doesn't really matter, but I have been thinking of this lately. Society has shaped our view about relationships as well. It's kind of weird to discuss it now, but it's been in my mind for the past days.

Why should people wait until their twenties? I don't see the sense in that. Love does not come to you the moment you turn to that age, and yet society looks down on those who meet the ones they love before that age bracket. They say that people who are single before twenty are more respect worthy. I'm like, what? Years before, people were married as early as fifteen. Society then thought it would be shameful if a woman cannot be married before turning eighteen. Do you see how society can be so fickle? This includes all the institutions of society. Not only the age, but the people we CHOOSE. If you become friends with someone that is of different beliefs and of different status in life in general, it is also frowned upon. When we choose our partner, society has already managed to inject its poison. Many choose the taller ones. Many choose the more attractive ones, or at least the ones that are of the same race. We tackled this in 'Why do people marry'? A good read BTW.

And for an even bigger picture. When we were younger, we were under total control of our parents. Family being our basic institution. After that, we are forced to study and given no choice. Sure, we were kids and we didn't know any better. But, society had it in mind that children must go to school now. Most of the teenagers are in a rush to finish college as well, because it's looked down by the society if you can't finish within four years or so. After that, society dicatates that we should work. If you just stayed home with your parents and don't work, then you are seen as a total loser by society and your peers.

Basially, you can't do whatever you want. Some claim they do, but let's face it. There is pressure to live up to a certain standard and lifestyle, and condemnation if you don't live up to it. If you can't comply, "There must be something wrong with you"

Society then says that after 'stabilizing', you are pressured to get married and start a family. And so on and so forth!

Lol. I didn't expect this to be a rant of some sort. It's just that I feel like every stage of our life, we're being controlled. And if we don't meet certain standards, we are deemed 'defective'. I feel like we should be the one shaping our society, but I don't see that happening at the moment. It's just more annoyingly clear now, after seeing some people mindlessly succumb to society! Most of us now no longer question, and we only accept what is given to us. And its FRUSTRATING.

Anyways, I thought of this because I got into a relationship young. AND then our Filipino teacher rants about how teens shouldn't be 'falling in love' before twenty because it doesn't make you a respect-worthy person. Talk about rubbish.


ezara said…
me thinks your teacher never fell in love when she was young. -_- she going beyond sociology na and going into her own beliefs -_-"
its kinda weird cuz i also did sociology, but it was different cuz, obviously, it was for australian society.. xD but still pretty similar. i think its just a never ending cycle. society forms us, we teach our kids, kids teach their kids, and we are the society. and then there are a few people every now and then who break that expectation and change the world.
promisetohush said…
I like your thing about changing the world :3

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