Here we go again!

Let me think. How many times have I tried to make an introduction/first post that isn't full of nonsense?
Millions of times.

And the result?
Barely decent ramblings. 
Crossing my fingers, I don't want this to end up like that again!

So, let me try this once more.

Basically we're all required to put stuff like "What's your name?" "What kind of music do you like?" and so forth, right? But, I'm pretty sure no one else is interested with this amateur blog except my few lovely friends who managed to get me to make a blog. Thanks guys, very thoughtful of you.

Thus, I won't start this with a "HI I AM THIS AND THAT AND I LIKE THIS AND THAT". I tend to sound pretty two-dimensional when I write it first in an introduction and IN PARAGRAPH form. Two dimensional = BOOORRING. I don't like getting bored. 


Besides the fact that I was talked into this, I do want to have another way of voicing my thoughts and/or ramblings on to anyone who happens to stumble upon this. It would be nice to know that people are enjoying when they read my quirky blab, no matter how unlikely that is! Plus, I can be as self-indulgent as I want. Haha, or maybe not. After all, everyone has gots to be a bit of that, aye?

I'm not the type who keeps diaries (though I had a stalking journal once). I'm not very diligent when it comes to writing, so expect that here too! I won't probably post a lot of stuff. I just want to help my friends be up-to-date with my growth as a chemist (soon to be!) and a better person!. I know you're all lovingly reading this, imagining my sweet voice. :P I miss you guys so much! Life is just dull without your shower of weird love! I shouldn't go any further, I might get too emotional. I SHOULD BE ON FIRE, BABY!

Anyways, the spotlight of this blog would just probably be about my life and about the random things that most teenagers aren't probably into. I'd rather read a book than party all night long with a bunch of strangers.   However, you can probably expect irrelevant whatevers here. IRDK, but I'm just giving a heads up. 

Now on to the actual introduction! My 1,000,001st attempt! 

Since I tend to be even more awkward in this part (believe it or not), here is a bullet form of basic things you should know about me. I'm actually much more interesting than this list, but I'm too lazy and am in a rush! > u <  I doubt anyone else outside my friends would read this.

  • My name is Frany. :3
  • I am currently studying Chemistry, and constantly struggling to pass the insanely brain-wrecking exams.
  • I HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT BLOGGING. HOW DOES THIS EVEN WORK?! (*furiously clicking random buttons.)
  • I like the color blue, but that doesn't in any way reflect my personality. 
  • I'm actually a dog person. I dislike cats with a passion!
  • I dread introductions.
  • I'm awfully awkward (*glance away)
  • I'm most likely to be in my bed sleeping, on the couch lounging, or in the library cramming
  • I guess I like music. . I MEAN. Who doesn't!?
  • AH ! I like anime (Sword Art Online) , books (Harry Potter, FTW!) and decent horror movies (like The Cabin in the Woods)
  • ERR.
  • Since it was asked, I like any genre, as long as it's UPBEAT! I absolutely ADORE One Direction, but at the same time, I like All Time Low, Mayday Parade, Go Radio.
  • Please just let me be forever 17.
  • I terribly miss my friends. It's hard to be away from them for so long. Without them, I'm just. . NORMAL, which is SCARY!

Well, that’s me introduced in another half decent ramble.
Better luck next time!

a picture that should sum up my first suckish post  


ezara said…
Lol you had a stalking journal?! xD
P.s. i like the picture. and the last bullet point. x3

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