
Showing posts from February, 2013

I should've seen the sign

I will never watch movies recommended by random people Do you know how it feels like when you're the only one who hasn't seen a supposedly awesome mind blowing movie? Everyone, and I mean literally EVERYONE in college cannot stop themselves from babbling about how much they enjoyed Pitch Perfect. If you don't mind the random outbursts of singing in the hallways, you could survive. I didn't. I decided to give this movie a shot, since the people with  opinions I respect told me to watch. Make no mistake because I won't make that mistake again. Pitch Perfect was 'awesome. . .ly terrible'. It began innocently enough, I actually liked the song in the beginning. Suddenly, it became the biggest mash up of every single cliche EVER. I absolutely felt DISAPPOINTED. The movie was oversold to me. I had high expectations, since I do enjoy anything with singing involved. I cringed at the sum of the movie, and I just couldn't help myself from posting MY OPIN

I don't know how to write anymore

This second semester is proving to be more brutal then the one I had as a freshman. Not only are the subjects more challenging, they are also very demanding. I am running out of coping mechanisms, so I will use this post as an outlet. Perhaps, I will be able to get a better grip. That is why I will dedicate this post with all the happy thoughts I can think of. I will not talk about school. I will not talk about my struggle with faith or religion at the moment. Instead of lashing out like a wild animal, I'll try to emit positive vibes. This moment is my happy corner, and I'M GOING TO MAKE IT ONE VERY SMILE INDUCING POST. Well, I'll try to at least. I owe my battered self that much! I'll start off with Neverland. Why? It's because I haven't got many years left in my youthful days. I just turned eighteen. That shouldn't be such a big deal, but it is. I guess it's nice to think of Neverland in times like this. Running off with the lost boys, playing arou