
Showing posts from April, 2014

of fragile things

i hate fragile things. it reminds me of how things can easily break, no matter how much effort you put into taking care of it. when you have a toy, a beautiful but fragile toy. you want to play with it, but when you do, you always have to put constraint. you always have it in mind what would happen when you do this. you do that. so you never really get to enjoy it fully. you're always too careful not to destroy it that sometimes you forget why you handle it with such care in the first place. you forget that you don't want to break it, because it was a beautiful toy you love to play with. arent some relationships like that? two people guard their thoughts too much. two people share too little. two people talk but do not communicate. two people scared to reveal in fear of breaking what they have. so little of what they have. so what is the point of their relationship if they are too focused with keeping it, than making something out of it. in relationships, y