
Showing posts from October, 2012


@ Doshia's 17th Birthday Love doesn’t need to be perfect, it just needs to be true. Okay. That might not be the best picture for us, but I recently realized that we don't have many pictures together. It might be because I don't like having my picture taken, and he doesn't too. I guess it's something we can agree on. Now, fourty-two months is quite a long time for any couple in a relationship. If I recall, I was just about fifteen then. He was about sixteen or so. We were young, just two kids in love who didn't know how demanding a committed relationship was. We didn't care then, so we had to learn the hard way. In those years we've been together, there were too many ups and downs in our relationships. The rush of reality was so overwhelming. Lies, insecurities, jealousy and even the point of obsession were thrown at us far too many times. It seemed like an endless battle, but I knew deep down. . It was all going to be fine. I just hadn't re

Here we go again!

Let me think. How many times have I tried to make an introduction/first post that isn't full of nonsense? Millions of times. And the result? Barely decent ramblings.  Crossing my fingers, I don't want this to end up like that again! So, let me try this once more. Basically we're all required to put stuff like "What's your name?" "What kind of music do you like?" and so forth, right? But, I'm pretty sure no one else is interested with this amateur blog except my few lovely friends who managed to get me to make a blog. Thanks guys, very thoughtful of you. Thus, I won't start this with a " HI I AM THIS AND THAT AND I LIKE THIS AND THAT ". I tend to sound pretty two-dimensional when I write it first in an introduction and IN PARAGRAPH form. Two dimensional = BOOORRING. I don't like getting bored.  AHEM Besides the fact that I was talked into this, I do want to have another way of voicing my thoughts